Registration form

You will shortly be redirected to book a consultation appointment at Klinika Stomatologia na Podzamczu Ltd. Follow the prompts.

1. Select the doctor you wish to consult.
2. Select the type of consultation/service.
3. Select the day that suits you (from the highlighted days).
4. Select a suitable time/time slot.
5. Select the exact time of your booking.
6. Fill in your personal details and tick the boxes to confirm.
7. Pay for the booking.

Important information

Price of specialist consultation for implant treatment — PLN 695

Price for initial consultation in other cases — 350 PLN NOTE:
Only the payment of the consultation service guarantees the reservation of an appointment.
We will also inform you of any additional costs:
– At the first consultation, a panoramic X-ray is taken at a cost of PLN 195.
– During the specialist consultation, a CT scan is required, the cost of which is PLN 290-590.

These payments are made by the patient on site, in the clinic.