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Possibilities of implant treatment

What are the options for implant treatment? Certainly large! We can restore both single missing teeth and all teeth. Most importantly, the implant solution is extremely durable. On the implants we can attach a porcelain crown, a denture or a non-removable bridge replacing all the teeth. There are many possibilities for implant treatment, it all depends on our needs.


Implant treatment planning.

If you are thinking about implant treatment, you probably want to restore missing teeth. You need to be aware that this is a complex process, which consists of several stages:

  • The first stage is an implant consultation. During which a CBCT photograph (CT scan) will be taken, as well as an examination of the oral cavity and an interview with the patient,
  • the next stage is to discuss the treatment plan. During this visit, the doctor will talk individually about the implant selected for the patient, the course, and time of treatment, and its cost,
  • the implant procedure, thanks to the Clean Implant Foundation certification, is particularly safe,
  • the next visit is to expose the implant and attach the screw, shaping the gum,
  • the last stage is fixing the prosthetic work (crown, bridge, protection).

What imaging tests for implant treatment.

During an implant consultation, your dentist will order an x-ray. In most cases, this will be a pantomographic photo and a CT scan. According to these images, it is possible to examine the thickness of the bone and fit a suitable dental implant to it.

How long implant treatment takes.

There are two options for implant treatment.

The first — when modern dentistry allows you to make new teeth in 1 day.

This applies to both the restoration of one tooth and all the teeth in the jaw or mandible. One-day dentistry involves removing a tooth or teeth, placing an implant (or implants) and placing a dental crown (or multiple crowns, bridges) on it during the same procedure.

The second option — a standard treatment that is spread out over time.

After the implant procedure, the implant must integrate into the bone, which usually takes 4 to 6 months. This is actually the single longest period during implant treatment.‍‍

Pregnancy during implant treatment.

Pregnancy in itself is not a contraindication to implant treatment. However, there is a general rule that says that if the planned treatment is not life-saving, it should be postponed until after delivery and postpartum.

Antibiotic therapy and x-rays, which are used during implant treatment, are not advisable during pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to postpone the implant insertion.

Contraindications to implant treatment.

The main contraindication that we can combat is poor oral hygiene. If we have tartar and brush our teeth poorly, the screwed-in dental implant will not hold. You should go for hygienization with hygiene instruction and implement new rules for taking care of healthy teeth as soon as possible.

Other contraindications are diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, alcoholism, drug addiction, bruxism, osteoporosis.

We point out that periodontitis is not a direct contraindication to taking advantage of implant options. In order to start implant treatment, the symptoms of periodontitis must first be treated.

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