Information on the impact of the activities carried out by the organizational unit on human health and the environment.
Legal basis: the Atomic Law Act / OJ. 2019 item 1792/ in accordance with Article 32c item 2
The entity performs the activity: related to exposure to ionizing radiation, involving intraoral, panoramic and CBCT imaging, in a dental office and the commissioning and use of equipment that produces ionizing radiation.
PWIS permits were issued o No. 217/20 dated 30.12.2020 for CS 82003D, o No. 95/11 dated 15.04.2011 for Gandex 765 DC, o No. 97/11 dated 15.04.2011 for Gandex 765 DC, o No. 96/11 dated 15.04.2011 for Gandex 765 DC, o No. 98/11 dated 15.04.2011 for Gandex 765 DC, o No. WS-NHR-600-143/08 dated 27.10.2008 for operation of X-ray laboratory.
The unit conducts control of employee exposure with the help of individual dose meters — in the past 12 months from January 2022 to December 2022 the measured effective dose was: 0.1mSv.
Decree of the Council of Ministers on the dose limits of ionizing radiation / OJ of 2005, item 168/- the permissible value of exposure to ionizing radiation is:
employees: 20mSv/year;
general population: 1mSv/year.
Note:Based on the measured and calculated doses, it is concluded that the activities in the past 12 months have not had a negative impact on human health and the environment. The laboratory does not release radioactive substances into the environment.
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